Translation for "Brussel" in the free contextual Swedish-English


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add translation. Translation of «brussel» in Swedish language: — English-Swedish Dictionary. Translations in context of "BRUSSEL" in swedish-english. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "BRUSSEL" - swedish-english translations  In support of its action, the applicant asserts that the Kingdom of Belgium, first, has failed to define the minimum qualification requirements for personnel  Translation of «Brussel» in English language: — Swedish-English Dictionary. Ingen diskussion med "Brussels" hittades i Nordic Languages forumet. Brussel sprouts or Brussels sprouts?

We offer a wide range of exams at all levels, from English tests for individuals to school and   Brussels Airlines is Belgium's national carrier and operates flights between Brussels and Europe, Africa and the United States.

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Around 11 million people live in Belgium. It is a founding member of the European Union and is home to its headquarters. Translation for 'Belgium' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. The best of Belgium, in English.

Brussel in english

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Brussel in english

English-speaking doctors delivering high-quality personalised care in Brussels - Contact: Tel: 02 735 53 26 – Doctors available by  100.7k Followers, 430 Following, 723 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Brussels Airlines (@flyingbrussels) EUR-Lex Access to European Union law. English EN (current language). Language.

Brussel in english

Students seeking a Master in Brussels can enjoy the excellent cuisine, diverse architecture, great shopping, and an exciting nightlife. Brussels Airlines is the leading Belgian airline that offers the widest choice of flights between its base in Brussels Airport and Europe, Africa & the US. English is allegedly spoken by just over a third of Brussels residents – with many using it on a day to day basis. This is in part because it has been found that more than half the population of the city were not born in Belgium, including 40% of Belgian passport holders.
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It has thousands of foreign residents who are native speakers of English (including many Americans) and thousands more who use English as their preferred second language and have little or no grasp of Belgium's official languages. French Translation of “in Brussels” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Expats in Brussels (English) The online course "Brussels Decoded" was conceived by a group of academics working on Brussels, with the support of ULB, VUB and the Brussels-Capital Region. This course is intended for anyone interested in learning more about Brussels.

Brussels-held book fair - English Only forum claim officials in Brussels / officials in Brussels claim - English Only forum Explorer to push brussels sprout up Mount Snowdon with his nose - English Only forum ship their items Brussels - English Only forum The Peace University (in / at / of) Brussels - English Only forum the size of Translations in context of "Brussels" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: held in brussels, meeting in brussels, the brussels european council, brussels and strasbourg, brussels airport Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'brussels' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer English Visit, the English news website of VRT News Brussels Iconic discotheque "The Fuse" turns into a museum - but not without a dance floor. Expats in Brussels (English). 29,916 likes · 161 talking about this.
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Translation for "Brussel" in the free contextual Swedish-English

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Contextual translation of "brussel" into English.

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Peppol ID MODERO BRUSSEL - Sök Peppol Directory Belgium

(ˈbrʌsəlz ) noun. the capital of Belgium, in the central part: became capital of Belgium in 1830; seat of the European Commission. Pop: 2 044 993 (2015 est) Flemish name: Brussel (ˈbrysəl).

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See authoritative translations of Brussels in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Brussels is probably the most cosmopolitan city in western Europe. It has thousands of foreign residents who are native speakers of English (including many Americans) and thousands more who use English as their preferred second language and have little or no grasp of Belgium's official languages. French Translation of “in Brussels” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Expats in Brussels (English) The online course "Brussels Decoded" was conceived by a group of academics working on Brussels, with the support of ULB, VUB and the Brussels-Capital Region.

Svenska: Textil på altarskåp, Brussel ca 1509 English: Part of Polyptych, Brussels, around 1509 . 26 September 2004 (original upload date). Tanja Brussel. Tryck: 11-14 mmHg; Tvättråd: 40 grader; Materiale: 61% Bomull, 72% Polyamid, 7% Lycra; Kompresjon: Låg. Du kan få produktet til å vare lenger  Brussels Airlines ersättning för försenat flyg.