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Spec:. Iruna Online Enchanter Gear review of hidden appliblils wipers . is given the opportunity to take on classes to acquire abilities and stat intensifies. Quick Cool 1 Specia Blessed Stone ◇Vassaria ◇Vassaria ☆ Quick Cool 1 Eraser. Apr 6, 2019 Hi,I am wondering which mobs drop gear for weapons, armor, and additional for quick cool.
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On fail, the Ability, ATK or DEF can degrade. Flabellum (upgraded): INT +4, Accuracy +30, Twice attack chance [154-164-169] Baselardo: Absolute evasion +12%, Dark R +4%, Crt Rate +30, ASPD +20%, Small MP recov by attk [174-184-189] Fuma Shuriken (upgraded): matk+5%, skill delay-0.5 crit rate+30. Ability : Magic, Mp cost. Quick Cool.
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Iruna Online is a 3D open world MMORPG for the iOS and Android platforms. The game is developed and published by Asobimo Inc., creators of Avabel Online and Toram Online. Begin your journey in the world of Iruna, a battle-torn planet plagued by wars that began with its 12 gods of creation and continues with the four races that populate each nation: Hume, Diel, Cule, and Elf. Fast Character | D&D character sheets instantly for DnD 5e and other RPGs tabletop sytems. QuikKool not only provides instant relief from ulcer pain, but also helps in healing ulcers faster.
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