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Unlike natural materials, plasctic materials require these basic priciples.The first product to be created was "made by Kartell" launched in 1950, a ski designed by Carlo Barassi and Roberto Menghi and made in collaboration with Pirelli. Herzlich Willkommen im Kartell Flagship Online Store Kontaktieren Sie uns 7 Tage die Woche 24 Stunden unter 089-24243551 Wir sind online 7 Tage die Woche 24 Stunden für sie erreichbar. Besuchen sie uns auch stationär in unserem wunderschönen Kartell-Flagshipstore im Herzen von Schwabing, Nikolaistrasse 11 . Di-Fr: 11:00 - 18:30 Sa: 11:00 - 17:30 A chair that combines several expressions in a single vocabulary, tracing the lines of the most traditional carved African stools and merging them with the American design of the golden years, echoing the concept of curved multilayer plywood.