Persika - Wikidocumentaries


Nu kan du se persika blomma - Bergianska trädgården

scleropersica (Reich.) Yü et Lu; Other Scientific Names. Amygdalus persica L. Persica vulgaris Mill. International Common Prunus persica f. duplex. Prunus persica f. scleropersica. Prunus persica var.

Prunus persica

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Söktermen Prunus persica har ett resultat. Mespilus Mespilus Pruneolum Prunus Prunus Prunus Armeniaca Prunus Persica Amygdalus Cydonia Pyrus Citrus Aurantia Citrus Malus Pyrus Pyrus Pyrus  Mespilus Mespilus Pruneolum Prunus Prunus Prunus Armeniaca Prunus Persica Amygdalus Cydonia Pyrus Citrus Citrus Aurantia Citrus Malus Pyrus Pyrus  Prunus domestica, plommon, Gul Havreblomme, Kongeblomme, Ungerskt Sviskon, Gul Mirabell (okänd sort från min egen trädgård), 300 kr. Prunus persica  47, Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae, Bakterier, PSDMPE, Fruktplantor och förökningsmaterial, Prunus, Prunus persica, 4J, Gäller växter för plantering utom  Apium Petroselinum , m . fl . , Amygdalus communis och Persica , Prunus armeniaca , Pyrus malus & communis m . fl .

Title: Prunus persica var. persica Mireille ®.

32005D0949 - SV - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex

Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Ämne. Persika, Prunus persica,, peach prunus prunu.

Prunus persica

Prunus persica 'Redhaven' – Splendor Plant

Prunus persica

Uun en ööder spriak lees · Uun't uug behual · Bewerke. Prunus persica.

Prunus persica

The  About Prunus persica. Prunus persica (peach) is an economically important deciduous tree in the Rosaceae family that produces 20 million tons of fruit per year. Oct 25, 2020 "The high-quality draft genome of peach (Prunus persica) identifies unique patterns of genetic diversity, domestication and genome evolution." Genus, Prunus. Species, persica. Common Name, Peach. Abbreviation, P. persica. Ploidy, Diploid.
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Prunus persica f. scleropersica. Prunus persica var. potaninii. Prunus persica x Prunus persica var.

Namn: persika; Synonym(er): N/A; Familj: rosväxter (Rosaceae); Utbredning: kanske Kina.
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Images Prunus persica var. platycarpa - Images and videos of

platycarpa). På engelska ges den ibland lite skojigare namn som doughnut eller UFO peach.

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Svenska Spanska översättning av Prunus persica - Ordbok

nucipersica). De plattare persikorna som ofta säljs som paraguayo är en tilltryckt form av persika - saturnuspersika Prunus persica f. compressa (ibland som var. platycarpa). På engelska ges den ibland lite skojigare namn som doughnut eller UFO peach. Prunus persica is a deciduous Tree growing to 6 m (19ft) by 6 m (19ft) at a fast rate.

Skrifter af Carl von Linné - Sida 213 - Google böcker, resultat

Prunus persica or the flowering peach is a small deciduous tree grown for its spectacular blossom in spring that matures to the juicy peach fruit or nectarine. It has narrow, mid-green, lanceolate, veined leaves which appear in spring after the blossom. 1996-02-01 Prunus species are food plants for the larvae of many Lepidoptera species (butterflies and moths); see List of Lepidoptera which feed on Prunus. Prunus species are included in the Tasmanian Fire Service's list of low flammability plants, indicating that it is suitable for growing within a building protection zone. Prunus persica 'Riga' – Splendor Plant Hypernyms ("Prunus persica" is a kind of): fruit tree (tree bearing edible fruit). Meronyms (parts of "Prunus persica"): peach (downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh). Holonyms ("Prunus persica" is a member of): genus Prunus; Prunus (a genus of shrubs and trees of the family Rosaceae that is widely distributed in temperate regions) Synonyms for Prunus persica in Free Thesaurus.

Växter » frukt » Persika 'Diamond'.