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Find genuine replacement parts along with great repair advice and same-day shipping. Shaping up is simple with the Weed Eater GHT225 gas hedge trimmer. With a 22-inch blade, quiet 25cc engine and low-vibration ComforTouch® handle, you can show that row of boxwoods who’s in charge without wearing yourself out. WEEDEATER GHT225 EXCALIBUR 22" GAS HEDGE TRIMMER. 25cc. Needs a new fuel line otherwise very good condition. Email or text me with questions.

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Weed Eater 2-cycle gas powered hedge trimmer. Features 22-inch stainless steel double-edged blades. Quiet running 25cc engine. Comfort touch, anti-vibration handle reduces vibration and user fatigue. Non-CARB compliant; not for sale in California. Find great deals for WEED EATER EXCALIBUR HEDGE TRIMMER SPRINGS. Shop with confidence on eBay!

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The Excalibur 22 model GHT225 by Weed Eater is a 25 cubic cm displacement gas-powered hedge trimmer. The Excalibur 22 features a 22 inch cutting length. Most problems with the GHT225 can be solved by verifying proper setup and performing maintenance on … Shop for Weed Eater Hedge Trimmer parts today, from 530012541 to 952711574!

Search within model. Questions & Answers Fig # 1 Screw. $8.11 Part Number: 530016386. In Stock, 9 available View and Download Weed Eater GHT 180 LE instruction manual online. GHT 180 LE trimmer pdf manual download. Also for: Ght 220 le, Ght 220 le.