KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Postdoctoral Positions


298 Post doc jobs - Academic Positions

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Postdoc positions

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One or two positions are available in molecular profiling of cancer Postdoctoral positions are available in the Lim Laboratory in the Department of Neurosurgery at Stanford. Neurosurgery : Li Liu . The Stanford Archaeology Center announces a postdoctoral position for an archaeobotanist with experience in analyses of micro- and/or macro-remains (phytolith, starch granules, and seeds) and lab m 2 Postdoc Positions (f/m/d) – Plant Meiosis/Reproduction IPK Gatersleben, Department Meiosis The research group Meiosis is interested in the process of plant meiosis that generates genetic variation through homologous recombination that is harnessed in plant breeding. For those who have held a postdoc position, the second letter must be from their postdoc advisor. DEADLINE Applications are currently accepted on a rolling basis , with the recommendation that they be submitted at least 4 months ahead of the candidate’s anticipated start date. Explore postdoc positions and postdoc fellowships in the field of your choice.

The postdoc will conduct their own research with a focus on gender studies.

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Stochastic simulation and machine learning Supervisors: Pierre Nyquist and Henrik Hult Project description (pdf 57 2. Graphical Models: Causality and Algebraic Aspects Supervisor: Liam Solus Project description (pdf 94 kB) 3. Uniqueness and atomic modelling in cryo-electron Postdoc Positions 1.

Postdoc positions


Postdoc positions

Published Jul 03, 2019. We are currently looking for  PhD student and/or Postdoc positions - Energy-efficient transformation of at Chalmers currently has several openings for PhD students or post-docs in the area  Dear Johan,. Could I ask you to draw the following two vacancies to the attention of potential applicants in your group (and beyond). All the best  Jobbannonsen är inte längre tillgänglig. Tillbaka.

Postdoc positions

Postdoc positions. If you decide to continue working in science or research after completing your doctorate, you can do so at a university, a non-university research institute or a company that engages in research and development (R&D). They all offer attractive positions for international junior researchers. 2021-04-15 · A postdoc position is available in Dr. Jun Lu’s laboratory at Yale University School of Medicine. The position is to conduct studies in the exciting field of cancer immunology.
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Many faculty do not advertise open positions in their research groups, and you are encouraged to   Open Postdoc Positions · The Dean's Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard Medical School is a two-year research fellowship established to nurture, advance, and  Postdoc positions. Once you have gained your PhD, you can start work as an independent researcher at a university or research institute. Postdoc positions are  Genentech's four-year postdoctoral program pairs PhD graduates with world- class scientists Postdoc positions are open on a rolling basis throughout the year. 115 jobs Postdoctoral positions available for clinical, translational or basic science Postdoc position in behavioral neuroscience in a dopamine lab using  Below are some of the postdoctoral positions available at Duke University.
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University Positions: Science, research and university jobs

Neurosurgery : Li Liu . The Stanford Archaeology Center announces a postdoctoral position for an archaeobotanist with experience in analyses of micro- and/or macro-remains (phytolith, starch granules, and seeds) and lab m A postdoctoral position is available for a highly motivated candidates with background in cellular and molecular biology.

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The position is to conduct studies in the exciting field of cancer immunology. Studies will be carried out under existing NIH grants in the laboratory, with the goals of systematically studying epigenetic and signaling regulation in anti-tumor immunity. Postdoc positions are often temporary appointments in which you conduct independent research, thus increasing your research experience.

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UT Southwestern Medical Center is committed to an educational and working environment that provides equal opportunity  Read about life-changing careers with a top U.S. hospital. Join a team generating new knowledge and translating discoveries into new patient therapies. Postdoctoral Scholar positions at Penn State are advertised at in that area directly to find out if there are any openings for postdoc positions in their group.

Two of the projects are funded by LUCSUS and three are funded by the Faculty of Social Sciences. 2016-12-19 2021-04-17 Postdoc position in Democracy, Participation and Artificial Intelligence Institutionen för datavetenskap. Apply.