Adapteo Q4: Jämförbar EBITDA i nivå med förra året


Usa börsen just nu: Adapteo börsen: 21 idéer

CET Adapteo has completed the acquisition of Dutch Cabin Group. The company manufactures, rents out, and sells both temporary and permanent buildings to customers within the governmental, educational, industrial and healthcare sectors. Resultat per aktie hamnade på 0,08 euro (0,17), vilket innebär en minskning med 52,9% mot föregående år. Adapteos vd Philip Isell Lind af Hageby uppger att överkapacitet och priskonkurrens fortsätter att påverka de marknader där bolaget verkar. Samtidigt är de steg som ses inom konsolidering på marknaden positiva för Adapteo.

Adapteo group aktie

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Kyseessä on Adapteon tähän mennessä suurin projekti. Publicerad: 2021-03-02 (Cision) Adapteo Group: Adapteo will provide workers accommodation village at The Fehmarn Belt fixed link project, the company's largest order so far 2021-04-22 · Adapteo took several steps in increasing its geographical footprint in Continental Europe at the end of 2020, when acquiring Dutch Cabin Group with operations in the Netherlands and Germany. Adapteo is now present in seven countries in Europe, and the new orders in Belgium will further increase the Groups' footprint in Continental Europe. Modulfastighetsbolaget Adapteo redovisar ökande omsättning under fjärde kvartalet jämfört med samma period året innan. Rörelseresultatet visade en vändning till vinst och styrelsen föreslår en utdelning. Adapteo Plc Press release 30 October 2020 at 10:10 a.m.

19:00  16.

Adapteo börsen

News zur ADAPTEO AKTIE und aktueller Realtime-Aktienkurs ADAPTEO GROUP: Adaptable buildings increase municipalities' opportunities for sustainable premises Adapteo Q4: High activity and geographic expansion Thu, Feb 18, 2021 07:30 CET. Adapteo Plc Regulatory press release 18 February 2021 at 7:30 a.m. CET October-December 2020 · Acquisition of the Dutch Cabin Group · Agreement to acquire Stord Innkvartering · Debt refinancing and share issue · Rental sales amounted to EUR 36.1 (35.1 in Q4 2019) million.

Adapteo group aktie

Adapteo Oyj ADAPT aktie - Nordnet

Adapteo group aktie

Adapteo Services AB,556691-3868 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Adapteo Services AB Adapteo Oyj is a Finland-based company engaged in the rental market. The Company’s activities are divided into two business areas: Rental Space 2021-04-22 Adapteo acquires Dutch Cabin Group We are pleased to announce that on Monday 5 th October we have reached an agreement to partner Adapteo in order to realize our growth ambitions. The acquisition of Dutch Cabin Group is a significant step in our expansion in Europe, says Philip Isell Lind af Hageby, President and CEO of Adapteo Group. Adapteo Group: Adapteo Business Review Q1 and invitation to conference call on 4 May 2021; 20.4.2021 klo 10.00 · Cision Adapteo Group: Adapteon tammi-maaliskuun 2021 tulos ja kutsu puhelinkokoukseen 4. toukokuuta 2021; 19.4.2021 klo 16.30 · Cision Adapteo Group: Decisions taken by Adapteo Plc's Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Adapteo builds, rents out and sells adaptable buildings for a few days or indefinitely.

Adapteo group aktie

Växel: 08-590 994 40. 556053-2888. Snabbfotade Adapteo har mera att ge.
Kolla skatt

With its already ongoing business operations in the area, Adapteo is ready to serve the Belgian market with adaptable buildings based on the customers' needs. Adapteo has entered into an agreement with George Holding B.V. to acquire Dutch Cabin Group, a leading provider of adaptable buildings in the Netherlands and with presence in Germany, at an enterprise value of EUR 72 million, with further consideration being possible depending on future financial performance. Adapteo is a leading flexible real estate provider in Northern Europe.

Adapteo is now present in seven countries in Europe, and the new orders in Belgium will further increase the Groups' footprint in Continental Europe. AKTIEANALYS. Modulhus har varit en riktigt tillväxtbransch de senaste åren.

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Börsen vände upp – EQT-bolaget Adapteo rusade - fPlus

Anledningen är enligt vd Philip Isell Lind af Hageby att förenkla  Freetrailer Group rundede med udgangen af marts måned flere end 550.000 udlejninger over de seneste 12 måneder. Det sker allerede inden højsæsonen for  Köp aktier i Adapteo - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. 08.00 CEST and it will be available on the company´s website at after Aktiedata.

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Adapteo ADAPT aktie Alla nyheter - Börskollen

Adapteo AB. Besöksadress: Gårdsvägen 14, 169 70 Solna. Postadress: Box 4080, 169 04 Solna. Fakturaadress: E-faktura: 7365560532884. Mejladress (endast för fakturor): Post: Adapteo AB, FE 288, 107 76 Stockholm. Växel: 08-590 994 40. 556053-2888.

Fastighetsbranschens mest cirkulära företag - Feminvest

Visar vilket datum aktien handlas utan rätt till utdelning. För att vara berättigad till utdelning ska man äga aktien över natten till det datum som anges. Die Adapteo Plc Registered Shs Aktie wird unter der ISIN FI4000383898 an den Börsen Frankfurt, Berlin, Stockholm, Chi-X und BATS Europe1 gehandelt. Adapteo Plc Registered Shs ist ein Unternehmen Adapteo, a leading flexible real estate provider in Northern Europe, takes its first orders in Belgium with the ambition to rapidly increase the presence in the country. With its already ongoing business operations in the area, Adapteo is ready to serve the Belgian market with adaptable buildings based on the customers' needs. Adapteo has entered into an agreement with George Holding B.V. to acquire Dutch Cabin Group, a leading provider of adaptable buildings in the Netherlands and with presence in Germany, at an enterprise value of EUR 72 million, with further consideration being possible depending on future financial performance.

# adapteo # adaptablebuildings # sustainability Adapteo builds, rents out and sells adaptable buildings for a few days or indefinitely. We can transform, repurpose, scale up, scale down and even move our buildings in a matter of weeks by using a modular and circular building concept. Adapteo Group: Decisions taken by Adapteo Plc’s Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Adapteo Plc Regulatory Press Release 23 April 2020 at 2:30 p.m.