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Han hade ett alldeles för enkelt lösenord, säger Mickos. Japp. Det kan man säga. Zuck har avslöjats med lösenordet “Dadada”. Marten Mickos, CEO, HackerOne, Molly Ford, Salesforce This talk will cover recent research shows that less than 25% of the cybersecurity workforce identifies as female, and Black representation as low as 3% (male or female). Mårten Mickos is a rare European founder.

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In this Speaker Series presentation, HackerOne CEO Marten Mickos discusses app sec strategies for building securely and ensuring user privacy from the earliest stages of your company. He also provides examples of different security models and processes at later-stage dev and enterprise software companies that you can integrate into your own company. Nordic Semiconductor today announces that it is partnering with HackerOne, the industry-standard for hacker-powered security, and sponsoring a bug-bounty program whereby ethical hackers are encouraged to stress test Nordic’s hardware and software products to find any potential or latent security vulnerabilities so they can be fixed before a cybercriminal finds them. 2020-11-17 · Mårten Mickos, CEO of HackerOne, and former CEO of MySQL Mårten will share his views on Open Source and Open Security Industry Directions , including what we see now, and can expect in the future.

"Hackare är bra – de  Mickos har sedan 2015 fungerat som VD för företaget HackerOne i San Francisco.

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Hackerone erbjuder det mest kostnadseffektiva sättet att uppgradera sitt säkerhetssystem”, säger Mårten Mickos, vd för Hackerone sedan slutet av 2015. Han är ursprungligen från Finland, men flyttade till Silicon Valley för 14 år sedan då han var vd för MySQL. 2019-06-19 Mickos was asked to testify before the U.S. Senate in February, providing it with the previous copy of HackerOne’s Hacker-Powered Security Report. The members and staffers were “genuine, sincere, honest and have a goal that’s good for security,” he said.

Marten mickos hackerone

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Marten mickos hackerone

Marten Mickos Trader at Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED, Inc. HackerOne CEO Marten Mickos HackerOne HackerOne, a computer security startup that runs what's known as "bug bounty" programs, has a grand new plan to help every company hire legions hackers to Marten Mickos is the CEO of HackerOne, the leading provider of hacker-powered security. Previously Marten was the CEO of Eucalyptus Systems, acquired by Hewlett-Packard where he served as head of the cloud business and was the CEO of MySQL AB from 2001 to … 2021-01-22 Mårten Mickos, CEO of HackerOne. Fomerly CEO of MySQL & Eucalyptus and SVP at Sun & HP.. Passionate about leadership and disruptive businesses in an open and distributed world. CEO of HackerOne. Formerly CEO of Eucalyptus System and MySQL. Follow Marten Mickos is Chief Executive Officer at Hackerone Inc. See Marten Mickos's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.

Marten mickos hackerone

Mårten Mickos is a rare European founder. He has led 3 global software companies, including the Balderton-backed MySQL, and is now opening the London office of HackerOne, a new company which is used by Uber, Twitter and Github to protect their critical systems. 2021-03-01 · Joining us are Mårten Mickos, CEO of bug bounty platform provider HackerOne, and Christopher Ahlberg, CEO at Recorded Future. They share their insights on what it takes to be a successful CEO in the rapidly changing cybersecurity field, the importance (or not) of having deep technical skills, differentiating yourself in a crowded marketplace, and the ongoing challenges of the unknown unknowns. Mårten Mickos, CEO, HackerOne, at marten@hackerone.com Per Roman, Managing Partner, GP Bullhound, at per@gpbullhound.com.
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As CEO of MySQL AB for seven years, Mickos grew that company from a garage start-up to the second largest open source company in the world. After the acquisition by Sun Microsystems of MySQL AB for $1bn, he served as Senior Vice President of Sun’s Database Group. Now CEO of Benchmark- and Benioff-backed HackerOne, Mickos is ready to leap some of the same evangelistic hurdles of confidence, trust, adoption, and growth at the whitehat hacker-powered security solution that he leaped as an open source pioneer. M.R. Rangaswami: Just fifteen years ago, many enterprises were afraid of open source.

rådgivare  Mårten Mickos, CEO MySQL, Eucalyptus, Hackerone: Building a billion dollar software company. 6 apr 2017 · The Balderton Podcast: Tech Investment | Venture  Diskutera mentorskap med Mårten Mickos!
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In March of 2020, HackerOne was ranked by Fast Company as the 5th most innovative company in the whole world for putting hackers to work. HackerOne, the leading vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platform provider, today announced the appointment of Marten Mickos as CEO. Mickos is To date, HackerOne has paid more than $31 million in bounties. "Unlike Apple, that takes a 30% cut from developers when they publish their paid app on the App Store, HackerOne doesn't take any cut from hackers. Hackers will always receive 100% of the bounties they earn," said Mickos.

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As the contemporary alternative to traditional penetration testing , our bug bounty program solutions encompass vulnerability assessment , crowdsourced testing and responsible disclosure management . Back in November 2015, HackerOne welcomed our new CEO, Mårten Mickos, to the ranks. A native Finn living in San Francisco, Mårten has a long history building successful companies. Previously he led MySQL Inc and AB, which was later acquired by Sun Microsystems. Previously CEO of MySQL (which sold to Sun for $1billion), then leading Eucalyptus Systems, and now CEO of HackerOne, Mårten is one of the most accomplished leaders in technology.

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Joshua Roberts/Reuters  Mårten Mickos is a software industry veteran who is currently CEO of HackerOne, a software vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platform. Most recently  13 Apr 2020 Previously CEO of MySQL (which sold to Sun for $1billion), then leading Eucalyptus Systems, and now CEO of HackerOne, Mårten is one of the  1 Mar 2019 HackerOne thinks its freelance hackers can conduct penetration tests better than actual pentesting companies. Marten Mickos speaks Oct. 18,  E948: HackerOne CEO Mårten Mickos shares insights on how he grew his bug bounty army to 400,000 strong by providing a path to hack for good, most  28 Sep 2016 Marten Mickos is crowdsourcing security with a growing army of ethical hackers who can help your company if you're ready to adopt a new  7 Dec 2020 HackerOne will now be available on AWS Marketplace Amazon Web Services ( AWS). “Companies gain flexibility and agility when deploying  Marten Mickos is the CEO of HackerOne, the leading provider world-wide of hacker-powered security. Previously Marten was the CEO of Eucalyptus Systems,   22 Feb 2019 Threatpost talks to HackerOne CEO Marten Mickos on the EU's funding of open source bug bounty programs, how a company can start a  List of books recommended by Mårten Mickos, On a mission to empower the world to build a safer internet. HackerOne CEO. Formerly CEO of MySQL  11 Nov 2015 HackerOne CEO Marten Mickos HackerOne Marten Mickos has been around the block a few times.

Marten Mickos is a well-known technology executive in the open-source and cloud realms, As it turns out, it was Bill Gurley, general partner at Benchmark, who introduced Mickos to HackerOne. In this Speaker Series presentation, HackerOne CEO Marten Mickos discusses app sec strategies for building securely and ensuring user privacy from the earliest stages of your company.