Typ storlek: English translation, definition, meaning, synonyms


Erdbeer Frischkäse Torte, Erdbeere - Conditorei Coppenrath

Die Auswahl reicht von Torten über Kuchen bis zu Gebäck und feinstem Konfekt. We have torts, cakes, cookies and particularly tasty sweetmeats. Reject. " Torte ": examples and translations in context. Wir besorgten eine Torte für Margarets Geburtstag. So, we got a cake for Margaret's birthday.

Die torte in english

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Es gab Lasagne, Aufläufe, es gab Brownies und Butterkuchen und es gab Torten, unglaublich viele Torten. There was lasagna, there was casseroles, there was brownies, there was butter tarts, and there was pies , lots and lots of pies . Many translated example sentences containing "Torte" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. torte.

Grease a deep 23cm/9in round cake tin then line the base with greaseproof paper. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt gently in a bowl set over a pan Wir empfehlen die Lagerung der Original Sachertorte bei 16°C – 18°C für beste Frische und besten Geschmack.

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Meaning of torte. How to pronounce torte? Alex.

Die torte in english

Translation for "torte" in the free contextual English-Swedish

Die torte in english


Die torte in english

Process and apparatus for making a tart. Schließlich empfehlen wir die ausgezeichnete Dessert Großmutter Elisa: Apfelstrudel, Torte Dörrobst, Panna Cotta, die frisches Obst Torte, weiche Brötchen, Kastanien Macaroon Torte, Torte, Sahne und Pinienkernen, gefüllte Windbeutel. Torte noun, feminine cake n (often used) Ich soll die Torte in Mayers Gesicht sein, und das ist mein Preis.
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gâteau; (= Obsttorte) flan. Declension Torte is a feminine noun. Remember that, in German, both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether it is in the nominative, accusative, genitive, or dative case.

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Tårtboken på tyska, Die Torte - Sprall

HERE are many translated example sentences containing "DEINE TORTE" - german-english translations and search engine for … noun. [ feminine ] / ˈtɔrtə/. Torte | Torten. .

Meaning of torte in Swedish english dictionary - Innebörden

Extrem Hentai video som du inte hittar någonstans! Gräns , infträntning ; propor : bößa ; lägga tiuhopa torten . Laughingtion , del . – V .

Learn English with Proverbs  15 Apr 2016 This is how the Oxford English Dictionary defines it. The OED specifies that a torte is a round cake (or bread!)—and also suggests that it has  How to pronounce torte. A free online pronunciation dictionary. torte pronunciation and definition | English and American Spelling with naturally recorded voice. Serbian-English dictionary. Examples of translating «torte» in context: Torte su torte.