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Optimal weapon builds for the Golden AK .762 and so Tabula Rasa isn't as painful. Award. Favorite. Favorited. Unfavorite. Share.

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Did Tabula Rasa solo last night. The bots can have any guns you want (and you only want the Reinfeld right now), you still need to adhere to the rules of the achievement. I found the AK to be pleasantly accurate in single fire mode. As for others, depends on the wording.

Complete your Tabula Rasa collection. Tabula Rasa. 2,287 likes · 207 talking about this · 596 were here.

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Tabula Rasa is an achievement in Payday 2: Crimewave Edition.

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You also need to equip the Golden AK.762 rifle and a Chicago Typewriter submachine gun whilst in Overkill or Deathwish (a crazy thing to do IMO). tabula rasa "In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete the heist without using any skills, while wearing a suit, wielding a Golden AK.762 rifle and a Chicago Typewriter submachine gun on OVERKILL difficulty or above." Day 2 of my solo Tabula Rasa run. My mic was accidentally turned off and I didn't notice until the end.
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I managed to solo tabula rasa by positioning bots. You do that by pressing the Z key.

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