Shirin Ebadi -


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Phone: +47 22 12 93 00 E-mail: The library Phone: +47 22 12 93 00 Shirin Ebadi has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts for democracy and human rights and, in particular, for her fight for the rights of women and children. She has been very clear in her opposition to patriarchal cultures that deny equal rights to women, who represent half of the population. Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian lawyer and former judge, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for her pioneering efforts to promote democracy and human rights, particularly for women and children. She was the first person from Iran and the first Muslim woman to receive the award. Dr. Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, former judge and human rights activist. On 10 October 2003, Dr. Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially women's, children's and refugee rights.

Shirin ebadi nobel peace prize

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Etter Khomeinis revolusjon i 1979 ble hun avsatt. Ebadi åpnet advokatpraksis og begynte å forsvare folk som ble forfulgt av myndighetene. I år 2000 havnet hun selv i fengsel for å ha kritisert prestestyret i hjemlandet. On 21 Oct 2016, Zamaneh Media commemorated ten years of reporting, publishing, documentary film making and civil society capacity building in a daylong confe 2021-04-06 · Nobel Peace Prize winners mentoring youth to change the world. Nobel Peace Prize. The recognition of the work of women and human rights activists in Islam.

Dr. Shirin Ebadi is an activist for  Iranian lawyer, human rights activist, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. 10 Jun 2004 "Islamic studies show us that Islam has no incompatibility with human rights," argues the Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner.

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16/01/2004. Report. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. en fr.

Shirin ebadi nobel peace prize

956 bilder, fotografier och illustrationer med Nobel Prize Shirin

Shirin ebadi nobel peace prize

Iranian human rights activist wins 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Iranian writer Shirin Ebadi, a female human rights and democracy activist, will be awarded the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize for her focus on human rights, in particular on the struggle for rights of women and children. This year's prize of $1.3 million, will be presented to her on December 10. "My Truth and Other Versions" was a keynote speech delivered by Shirin Ebadi at the Nobel Week Dialogue 2017 in Gothenburg Sweden.Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian 2003-12-10 · Shirin Ebadi has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts for democracy and human rights and, in particular, for her fight for the rights of women and children.

Shirin ebadi nobel peace prize

Shirin Ebadi has on many occasions criticized the Iranian regime for violating human rights and practicing the capital punishment. 2003-12-10 · Shirin Ebadi has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts for democracy and human rights and, in particular, for her fight for the rights of women and children. She has been very clear in her opposition to patriarchal cultures that deny equal rights to women, who represent half of the population. 2015-04-28 · In an extended interview, we speak with 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, the first Iranian and first Muslim woman to win the award for her human rights advocacy, in particular for the Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Human Rights Advocate. Photo: Julie Lunde Lillesæter/PRIO, FLICKR. It seems to be the perpetual dilemma for activists: stay and risk untold dangers by the regime or flee their repressive governments and leave their constituents behind.
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"My Truth and Other Versions" was a keynote speech delivered by Shirin Ebadi at the Nobel Week Dialogue 2017 in Gothenburg Sweden.Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian lawyer and a former judge, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for her pioneering efforts to promote democracy and human rights, especially for women and children.

Previously only Ahmad Shamloo was an Iranian to get close to winning a Nobel Prize, and it is an honor for Iran and Iranians to see this recognition, particularly because of Ms. Ebadi's previous work of defending many Iranian freedom fighters in the courts of Islamic Republic of Iran -Shirin Ebadi. When we think about Nobel Peace Prize winners, those who often come to mind surely include the great Nelson Mandela, who was awarded the prize in 1993 for his work in ending the Apartheid regime in South Africa.
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She traveled outside Iran last year on the eve of the presidential election and has not been back since. 2021-04-15 · Shirin Ebadi, Iranian lawyer, writer, and teacher, who received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2003 for her efforts to promote democracy and human rights, especially those of women and children in Iran. She was the first Muslim woman and the first Iranian to receive the award.

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She is the first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, and only the fifth Muslim to receive a Nobel Prize in any field.

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2020 — Shirin Ebadi, iransk advokat, författare och lärare, som fick i Iran Awakening: From Prison to Peace Prize, One Woman's Struggle at the  16 feb.

Hon mottog Nobels fredspris år 2003 för sitt arbete för kvinnors och barns mänskliga rättigheter, [1] hon var även den första iranska personen samt den första muslimska kvinnan som vann priset. 2011-03-08 · Shirin Ebadi Iran's first female judge, founder of the Human Rights Defenders Centre and the first Muslim woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace prize Photograph: Felix Heyder/EPA Speech by Shirin EBADI, Nobel Peace Prize 2003. 16/01/2004. Report. Economic, There are people who want peace within the Israeli and Palestinian civil societies. Shirin Ebaid, the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, a lawyer, prominent human rights activist and founder of the Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran, sup The good news is that an Iranian human rights activist/lawyer/woman Shirin Ebadi has won the Nobel Peace Prize.