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Plus a bit of Souls news, including an overview of Season 1 of The Expanse, of which one of the original authors has written for an unnamed forthcoming From game. twin humanities season 2 episode 15: bleeding edge! MP3 HERE [] So I picked up the new Edge Magazine, which features a stonking Dark Souls 2 feature - and in it there’s tons of stuff i’ve not heard before . ‎Join PaddyStardust (Patrick Smith) and CoffeeJezus (CJ) in Twin Humanities as they talk about their experiences during Paddys first tour through Dark Souls, and their continuing Souls adventures.

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Twin humanities

Helene Ehriander

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Twin Humanities Twin Humanities Dark Souls Podcast - S03 E02'Oh Yes, It's Titanite, & The Feeling's Right'With special guest Dan Maher from Explosive Alan *^-^* Twin Humanities | Oh The Humanities on Apple Podcasts. 185 episodes. Join PaddyStardust (Patrick Smith) and CoffeeJezus (CJ) in Twin Humanities as they talk about their experiences during Paddys first tour through Dark Souls, and their continuing Souls adventures. ‎Join PaddyStardust (Patrick Smith) and CoffeeJezus (CJ) in Twin Humanities as they talk about their experiences during Paddys first tour through Dark Souls, and their continuing Souls adventures. Try out Oh The Humanities for Paddy and CJ talking about games that aren't Dark Souls! Twin Humanities [Dark Souls] Podcast S03 E05 [re-upload]Featuring the fantastic Laura Rich.Re-upload due to technical difficulties on the ginger end.

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