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Behandlas på några timmar Historiskt har svårigheten att styra mängden ljus som tumören exponeras för utgjort ett hinder för PDT-behand-ling av inre tumörer. Med IDOSE löser SpectraCure detta problem. 2021-03-15 2021-04-15 STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Medicinteknikbolaget Spectracure, som är listat på First North, har utsett Johan Folkunger till ny vd. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Nuvarande vd Masoud Khayyami ska enligt pressmeddelandet behålla sitt ägande och sitta i bolagets styrelse. 2021-04-15 Engagerad i SpectraCure sedan år 2010.
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Dr. Masoud Khayyami, Ph.D. is a Founder and serves as Manager at MK Capital AB. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Lumito AB (publ). He serves as the Chief Executive Officer at SpectraCure AB. He is a f SpectraCure was founded in 2003 as a spin off from Lund University departments for medical laser applications and physics. I am very pleased with this recruitment," says Ingemar Kihlström, SpectraCure’s Chairman of the Board. ”Masoud Khayyami, who has acted as CEO until now, continues his ownership and will remain in the company through his seat on the Board of Directors.
För ytterligare information kontakta: SpectraCure AB publ, vd, Masoud Khayyami, telefon: +46(0) 70 815 21 90. Certified Adviser är G&W Fondkommission, e-post: ca@gwkapital.se, telefon: 08-503 000 50.
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Ph.D. in Chemistry at Lund University.
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– Styrkan med vår cancerbehandling ärattdenäreffektivmot tumören,men skonsam mot kroppen. Behandlas på några timmar Historiskt har svårigheten att styra mängden ljus som tumören exponeras för utgjort ett hinder för PDT-behand-ling av inre tumörer.
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Annika Andersson Chief Communications Officer Shares: 1 599. Masoud Khayyami Owner, Spectracure Lund.
Med IDOSE löser SpectraCure detta problem. 2021-03-15 · Forskningsbolaget Spectracure som rasat rejält på börsen efter Di:s granskning av flera Cardeonägda bolag och i spåren av en svag rapport byter nu ut sin vd Masoud Khayyami.
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Senaste om SpectraCure: Forskningsbolaget SpectraCures vd Masoud Khayyami har den 13 april via bolaget MK Capital Invest köpt 5 000 Intervju med vd Masoud Khayyami. Affärsvärlden är en tjänst för dig med ett brinnande intresse för börs- och aktiehandel.
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Dr. Masoud Khayyami is a Chief Executive Officer & Director at SpectraCure AB and a Director & Chief Technology Officer at Prolight Diagnostics AB. He is on the Board of Directors at SpectraCure AB and Prolight Diagnostics AB. Dr. Khayyami also served on the board at Gasporox AB. He received his doctorate degree from the University of Lun d. Founder of Prolight Diagnostics AB, Masoud Khayyami is a businessperson who has been at the helm of 5 different companies and currently holds the position of Chairman for Lumito AB, Chief Executive Officer & Director at SpectraCure AB, Chief Executive Officer & Director at SPCIN AB and Chief Executive Officer & Director at MK Capital Invest AB. SpectraCure AB (publ), CEO Masoud Khayyami, telephone: +46(0) 70 815 21 90 This information is information that SpectraCure AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. SpectraCure AB (publ), CEO, Masoud Khayyami, telephone: +46 (0) 70 815 21 90. SpectraCure was founded in 2003 as a spin off from Lund University and LTH Faculty of Engineering.
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How experienced are the management team and are they aligned to shareholders interests? CEO. Masoud Khayyami (57 yo). SPECTRACURE. BYTER VD, MASOUD KHAYYAMI BLIR KVAR I STYRELSE ( Direkt). 2021-03-15 08:56. STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) 2020-06-25, Spectracure AB, Masoud Khayyami, Styrelseledamot, Ja, Teckning, Spectracure AB, SE0014428850, 2020-06-23, 248007, Antal, 16,00, SEK http://spectracure.com/.
Aktier: 13 346 933 st*. Doktor i kemi vid Lunds Universitet. Gedigen erfarenhet från forskning, medicin, medtech Masoud Khayyami.