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ABSOLUTE NOVELTY The most important feature of the Metric calculation: In his 2005 paper proposing the h-index, Hirsch describes the measure thusly: “A scientist has index h if h of his or her Np papers have at least h citations each and the other (Np – h) papers have fewer than ≤ h citations each.” For example, an author with an h-index of 6 has at least six publications that have each But more importantly, the h-index is one of the measures funding agencies or the university's hiring committee calculate when you apply for a grant or a position. Given the often huge number of applications, the h-index is calculated in order to rank candidates and apply a pre-filter. The h-index in the Citation Report reflects citations as of the most recent database update, so it could vary upon subsequent analyses. Calculating: A researcher (or a set of papers) has an h-index of N if he/she has published N papers that have N or more citations each. The h-index is based on Times Cited data from the database.
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For further assistance in this process, please Ask a Librarian or call 303-497-8559. This material is based upon work supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric 2020-01-22 · The h-index, however, would be much lower, signifying that the scientist's overall body of work was not necessarily as significant. The following resources will calculate an h-index: Scopus. Web of Science. Google Scholar.
The h-index is based on Times Cited data from the database. The h-index may be less useful in some disciplines, particularly some areas of the humanities. For further assistance in this process, please Ask a Librarian or call 303-497-8559.
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The h 18 Sep 2019 What's h-index? The h-index, is a scholarly metrics, which assesses both quantity (number of publications) and quality (number of citations to The H-Index is a popular tool for determining relative impact of an author's work by qualifying an author's cited publications. 17 Jan 2021 An index of h means that your h most highly-cited articles have at least h citations each.
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H-index scores are becoming highly popular in research settings, as their calculation is pretty straightforward.
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av A Larsson · 2018 — Murray DW, Fitzpatrick R, Rogers K, Pandit H, Beard DJ, Carr AJ, et al. The use of the.