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2006-6-8 · Kitabat: Arabic Calligraphy and Typography Conference was the beginning of what promises to be an expanding forum on a subject of increasing global importance. Linotype, one of the main organizers and sponsors of the conference, already has speakers lined up and confirmed for the next conference in 2008. Kitabay offers a large selection of Second Hand Books, New Books, Used Books in India. Buy Second Hand Books Online, Grab Exciting Offers, Discounts!
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Enactus NSUT launches Project KITABAT to revive art of Urdu and Arabic Calligraphy. A team of college students from Enactus, Netaji Subhas University of Technology have set out to revive the once flourishing and intricate art of Urdu and Arabic Calligraphy through their flagship project, Project Kitabat.
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