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US:KNVKF / Kinnevik AB - Stock Price Quote and News - Fintel

Kindred Group plc SDR, Repurchase, 2021-04-  Kinnevik AB ser. B. Anna Bergström - Näringslivets mäktigaste samhällsförändrare I VA Kvinna Podcast möter Stock Affärer bland annat ettorna i respektive  Based on the midpoint of the proposed price range for the IPO, Kinnevik has agreed to purchase 2,306,578 shares of Livongo's common stock  P/S-talet TTM, 67,1, 6,7. Pris till kassaflöde MRQ, -, 216,45. Price to Free Cash Flow TTM, -, 156,46. P/B-talet MRQ, 1, 1,01.

Kinnevik stock price

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7 Apr 2021. Annual Report. Report · APM. 4 Feb 2021. Year-End Release. Report · Presentation · APM · Teleconference · Highlights · Transcript  Telefonkonferens och presentation av Kinneviks resultat för fjärde kvartalet och helåret 2020. 01-21 globenewswire.com - Kinnevik AB (publ) ("Kinnevik")  Kinnevik: Telefonkonferens och presentation av resultatet för första kvartalet 2021. 6h globenewswire.com - Kinnevik AB (publ) ("Kinnevik") kommer att  Opening price, Market, First North GM Sweden, 6 month, -52.92.

Kinnevik market cap is kr119.7 b.. View Kinnevik stock / share price, financial statements, key ratios and more at Craft.

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Rekommendationen köp upprepas. Det framgår av en analys. Average target price: 442,50 SEK : Last Close Price: 455,80 SEK : Spread / Highest target: 6,41%: Spread / Average Target-2,92%: Spread / Lowest Target-21,5% Kinnevik's stock was trading at $24.20 on March 11th, 2020 when COVID-19 reached pandemic status according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Kinnevik stock price

Kinnevik AB Class A KINV-A : STO Stock Price - Google

Kinnevik stock price

Stable Share Price: KINV B is less volatile than 75% of Swedish stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 4% a week. Volatility Over Time : KINV B's weekly volatility (4%) … : Get the latest Kinnevik Registered stock price and detailed information including news, historical charts and realtime prices. The Company operates globally in more than 80 counties. Revenue in SEK (TTM) 1.69bn.

Kinnevik stock price

Volatility Over Time : KINV B's weekly volatility (4%) has been stable over the past year. Investment Kinnevik stock price, live market quote, shares value, historical data, intraday chart, earnings per share and news.
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Kinnevik is an active and long-term owner investing primarily in digital Stock analysis for Kinnevik AB (KINVB:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart,  Get the latest Kinnevik AB Class B (KINV-B) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed  During the 2008 financial crisis, stock prices had a tendency to mainly decline, Even though Kinnevik made a lot of high risk investments, the  Get the latest Essity AB (publ) Class B (ESSITY-B) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you  name, ISIN, Transaction date, Volume, Unit, Price, Currency, Trading venue, Status. 25/11/2019, Kinnevik AB (publ), Amelia Chilcott Fawcett, Styrelseledamot/ 25/11/2019, 7500, Quantity, 13.10, SEK, SPOTLIGHT STOCK MARKET, Details. Get the latest Hexagon AB (HEXA-B) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more  Get the latest Mycronic AB (publ) (MYCR) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more  Kinnevik A. Kinnevik B. Production of feeding stuff for all kinds of animals Kindred Group PLC (KIND-SDB : STO) Stock Price - Kind sdb BB. Men investmentbolaget Kinnevik har gått en annan väg och istället gjort http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/QLRO/charts?symb=SE% http://www.dgap.de/dgap/News/corporate/zalando-sets-issue-price-per-share  Lifco AB (publ) (LIFCO-B : STO) Stock Price & News - Google Lifco Bure Kinnevik Castellum Hexagon Amazon Avanza World Tech By Tin. i Kinnevik - Nasdaq Kinnevik aktie analys Kinnevik aktieinnehav. att se aktiekursen och köpa till Nokia share price usa STOCK MARKET  på förändringen i procent sedan förra börsstängning.
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Hur få till . storytel och leovegas i excel Kinnevik: Accelererad bookbuild av aktier i Kinnevik AB Class B (KINV-B : STO) Stock Price & News. Liontrust, 3,60%, 3,60%.

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Today's FRA:IV6G chart, history & news. Price: 43.25 EUR. Change: +0.1 (0.23%). Key stats. Price open. Previous close, 43.15. Kinnevik AB Stock Analysis & Ratings. The TipRanks Smart Score analyzes stocks based on 8 factors extracted from our unique datasets.

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View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Get the latest Kinnevik AB Class B (KINV-B) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading and investment decisions.

Hur få till . storytel och leovegas i excel Kinnevik: Accelererad bookbuild av aktier i Kinnevik AB Class B (KINV-B : STO) Stock Price & News. Liontrust, 3,60%, 3,60%. Columbia Threadneedle, 3,20%, 3,20%. Fjärde AP-fonden, 2,90%, 2,90%. Vanguard, 2,10%, 2,10%.