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Copeland, ZR36K3PFV. Copeland, ZR36K3PFV830. Copeland, ZR38K5-PFV. Copeland, ZR38K5PFV Danfoss R410A Series HRH032U1LP6 120U1141 HRH038U1LP6 120U1156 Replacement for Trane Compressors 208/230-1-60 Danfoss Code No. 10 Dec 2017 Item ID MFG # Danfoss R410A Series HRH032U1LP6 120U1141 HRM034U1LP6 120U1146 HRM034U2LP6 120U1261 HRH038U1LP6 Los descuentos son otorgados de acuerdo a las políticas de Danfoss y se Nominal (BTU/h) Precio HRH038U1LP6 120U , 000 1, HRH038U2LP6 120U , 000 DISTR,5 TUBE,3/8 X 20,(USE/DANFOSS TXV) · DISTR KIT,VLV,TXV R22,5/8 X 5/8 QC,DANFOSS · KIT,VLV ORS1-01503593004 COMPR,HRH038U1LP6 Compresor Danfoss De 3 TR HRH038U1LP6 R410a Tipo Scroll ,220-1-60 1407. - Rejilla Para Pared, HS4W, Marca:Soler&Palau, Persiana De Plastico 3 Aletas 14 Mar 2016 Lnea completa de compresores DANFOSS, TECUMSEH, SANYO.
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Top sellers · Danfoss Scroll Hrh038u1lp6 38.000btu 220v/1ph/60hz R410a · Danfoss Scroll Hrm038u1lp6a R22/R407c 38.000btu 220v/1ph/60h 120u3309 For further information, please contact Danfoss. Metric conversion.
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Contact Information 4421 Tradition Danfoss Type HRH high temperature/air conditioning residential scroll compressor for use with R410A refrigerant, as well as PVE oil, with ARI conditions and a design that has been optimized for 45-100°F. This compressor is 208-230v, single phase, 60Hz, and has a capacity of 51,000 BTU/HR. OLD Danfoss Model NEW Danfoss Model Danfoss Model No. Danfoss Model No. Danfoss Code No. R-410A 1: 200–230V/1/60Hz 2 ½ ZP29K*E-PFV ZP31K*E-PFV ZP32K*E-PFV ¾ × ½ 70 HRH032U1LP6 HRH032U1LP6 120U33211 3 ¾ × ½ 94 HRH038U1LP6 HRH036U1LP6 120U33221 3 ¼ 73 HRH040U1LP6 HRH040U1LP6 120U33231 3 ¾ 99 HRH044U1LP6 120U33241 4 79 HRH048U1LP6 item 6 Danfoss Scroll Compressor HRH038U1LP6 - 37,900 BTUH, R410A, 208-230, Single Phas 6 - Danfoss Scroll Compressor HRH038U1LP6 - 37,900 BTUH, R410A, 208-230, Single Phas $638.99 Free shipping S1-2SA06708006 CZF04813 AC6B048F3 AL6B048F3 – – Danfoss (HRH038U1LP6) C S1-2SA06704006 CZF04814 AC6B048F4 AL6B048F4 – – Copeland (ZP39K5E-PFV) C S1-2SA06709506 CZF06013 AC6B060F3 AL6B060F3 – – Copeland (ZP44K5E-PFV) C Danfoss Power Solutions is a world-class provider of mobile hydraulics for the construction, agriculture and other off-highway vehicle markets. It is a segment of the Danfoss Group and provides driving power to our changing world. 2013-04-15 · Check Product Price Check Product Review.
Danfoss, HRM038U1LP6. Copeland, ZR36K3-PFV. Copeland, ZR36K3PFV. Copeland, ZR36K3PFV830. Copeland, ZR38K5-PFV. Copeland, ZR38K5PFV Danfoss R410A Series HRH032U1LP6 120U1141 HRH038U1LP6 120U1156 Replacement for Trane Compressors 208/230-1-60 Danfoss Code No. 10 Dec 2017 Item ID MFG # Danfoss R410A Series HRH032U1LP6 120U1141 HRM034U1LP6 120U1146 HRM034U2LP6 120U1261 HRH038U1LP6 Los descuentos son otorgados de acuerdo a las políticas de Danfoss y se Nominal (BTU/h) Precio HRH038U1LP6 120U , 000 1, HRH038U2LP6 120U , 000 DISTR,5 TUBE,3/8 X 20,(USE/DANFOSS TXV) · DISTR KIT,VLV,TXV R22,5/8 X 5/8 QC,DANFOSS · KIT,VLV ORS1-01503593004 COMPR,HRH038U1LP6 Compresor Danfoss De 3 TR HRH038U1LP6 R410a Tipo Scroll ,220-1-60 1407.