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The Urdu Word ہر شے خلق کرنے والا Meaning in English is Omnificent. The other similar words are Khalqِ Kُl, Mukammal Takhleeqi Qowat Rakhnay Wala and Har Shai Khalq Karne Wala. Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English. English translation of 'Haar'. [haːɐ] neuter noun Word forms: Haar (e)s genitive , Haare plural.

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SONG INFO:- Song: Har Kisi Ko Nahi Milta. Album : Boss. Singer: Arijit Singh, Neeti Mohan English words for haar include its, her, hair, their, them, wool and nap. Find more Dutch words at wordhippo.com! Meaning of Avadharit (Avadharit) in English, What is the meaning of Avadharit in English Dictionary.