Kompetens i museisektorn: Politik, praktik och relationen


Bachelor´s degree Social Science Studiehandboken

40 hours. Full-‐time 1 Academic Year. 60 ECTS. courses/modules per semester). Full-time per Semester. La Trobe University.

45 ects pr semester

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Spring semester: 1 February to 30 June with exams from last week of May throughout June. Autumn semester: 1 September to 31 January with exams in January. Important: Students who started their studies in the 75/45-ECTS Master program in English Literature before the fall semester 2019 can remain enrolled in this program. They have to complete their studies by the end of the spring semester 2022 (i.e. the spring semester 2022 is the last semester in which they can graduate from this program). Important: Students who started their studies in the 75/45-ECTS Master program in English Literature before the fall semester 2019 can remain enrolled in this program.

Advertising, public relations and company promotion 3. Public relations, social communication, culture 180 15 Total 270 (without internships) 30 Year III, semester 2 Course title Hours per semester L-lecture T-tutorial ECTS Assessment E – exam G - grade Elective course unit 30 L 1 G Diploma Seminar 30 T 3 G ECTS, the European Credit Transfer System, was developed by the European Commission to provide common procedures to guarantee the full transferability of credits for university studies abroad in order that they might count towards a final qualification in the home country. It provides a way of measuring and comparing academic merits and transferring them from one institution to another.

Bachelor´s degree Social Science Studiehandboken

semester Zap. št. Učna enota Nosilec Kontaktne ure Sam. delo študenta Ure skupaj ECTS PR SE SV LV Druge obl. š. 18.

45 ects pr semester

45 ects per år - provisorship.aclori.site

45 ects pr semester

Students must take a minimum of 20 ECTS in a semester and 45 ECTS for the academic year. 60 ECTS point svarer til arbejdsindsatsen for et helt studieår, hvor 30 ECTS point normalt gives for et semester og 20 ECTS point for et halvt semester (et såkaldt trimester). Projektarbejde, praktik og afhandlinger tillægges også ECTS point, da disse udgør en del af den samlede uddannelse.

45 ects pr semester

La Trobe University. 120 credit points (90 CP) at La Trobe. = 60 ECTS at Udine. 60 credit points (45 CP)  Schau mal im jeweiligen Studienplan. Da stehen so Sachen drinnen. Theoretisch kann man auch nur 10 ECTS im Semester machen, braucht aber dann länger.
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According to the Danish Ministry of Education and Science, one year of studies corresponds to 60 ECTS credits and one semester corresponds to 30 ECTS credits. A 3-year full Bachelors programme, therefore, has 6 semesters and equals 180 ECTS credits. A 2-year Masters programme has 4 semesters and equals 120 ECTS credits.

studieafgift) Der betales pr. semester for de kurser man følger Ved betaling for ét kursus indgår betaling for 3 eksamensforsøg. 95.400 kr. Afsluttende projekt 15 ECTS af 2.740 kr/ECTS (inkl.
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med særlig vægt på Island, Sverige og Finland

ZBX103E Land Management I 2 2 - 6 cr ex doc. Janečková ZBX104E Ecological Restoration and Engineering 2 1 - 5 cr ex Mgr. Walmsley, Ph.D. ZVX109E Global Change and Water Resources 2 1 - 5 cr ex Mgr. Martínková, Ph.D. ECTS: 180 ECTS (6 semesters of 30 ECTS each) WORKING WITH INDUSTRY.

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Avancerad nivå - Institutionen för Asien-, Mellanöstern- och

letnik 4. semester Zap. št.

Bachelor´s degree Social Science Studiehandboken

Da stehen so Sachen drinnen. Theoretisch kann man auch nur 10 ECTS im Semester machen, braucht aber dann länger. Feb 22, 2021 The rough equivalent of 5 ECTS credits is 2.5 American credits. We therefore advise to transfer credits along a 2:1 ratio.

Students take 30 ECTS per semester at Trinity. ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is a credit weighting, so the number of modules (classes) a student takes at Trinity varies on the credit values for each of their modules, which usually have a 5, 10 or 15 ECTS value.