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From 2006, he was Ambassador to Belarus, then led Slovakia's  Slovakia (SK) Representation in Montenegro (ME). Find an embassy/consulate. Select your own country or all EU Member States Select Member States, All  17 Sep 2020 Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, ambassador, Latvia, protests and from former Ambassador to Slovakia Igor Leshchenya, who called for  18 Aug 2020 The Belarusian ambassador to Slovakia, who supported protesters rallying against his country's authoritarian president, said on Tuesday that  8 Dec 2020 Swiss nationals in Slovakia must follow the instructions and recommendations in respect of the COVID-19 pandemic issued by the local  Republic of Belarus. Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Austria Huettelbergstrasse 6, A-1140 Vienna Austria. Col. Alexander VENGURA, PO. 27 Aug 2020 Slovakia also is an observer to the Organization of American States. Bilateral Representation. Principal embassy officials are listed in the  16 Aug 2020 Belarusian Ambassador to Slovakia Igor Leshchenya recorded a video message to the protesters, openly speaking out against Lukashenko  16 Aug 2020 Minsk/Moscow: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said he had The Belarus ambassador to Slovakia meanwhile has declared  13 Aug 2020 Claude Altermatt, Swiss Ambassador to Belarus.

Belarus ambassador to slovakia

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Sprid ljus och utveckla din kreativitet. I år har Nikon-användarna gått samman för att tillsammans vidareutvecklas, utmana, skapa och inspirera varandra som  would admitting Hungary, Latvia, Poland, or Slovakia, sooner rather than later, which included parts of present-day Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine. allierades styrka och säkerhet, som ambassadör i Polen från 2004 till 2009.

Belarus ambassador to slovakia

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Belarus ambassador to slovakia

Belarus: Senior official fears consequences after standing up for protesters Igor Leshchenya, the Belarusian ambassador to Slovakia, said he suspects many colleagues share his view but have On Sunday, a video circulated on YouTube that purported to show Belarus' ambassador to Slovakia, Igor Leshchenya, expressing “solidarity with those who came out on the streets of Belarusian About Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Bratislava, Slovakia. Belarusian Embassy in Slovakia runs an inclusive range of consular services to local, Belarussian, and international citizens in Slovakia. The Belarusian Embassy in Slovakia supports Slovak citizens through its consular services, if they: Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed the relevant decree on 15 June. The order has been given in recognition of Ambassador Jozef Migas' personal contribution to strengthening of friendly relations and development of cooperation between Belarus and Slovakia.

Belarus ambassador to slovakia

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The Slovak Ambassador to Belarus, Marián Servátka, will be among the EU diplomats who will return to Belarus, said Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Boris Gandel to the TASR newswire on April 25. All EU ambassadors to Belarus were recalled from the country on February 28 after Belarus expelled Polish and Brussels-based diplomats from the country in retaliation for a travel ban on Belarusian officials. Ambassador Dmitry Mironchik visits Norway 17.12.2020 Important information regarding reception of visitors at the Embassy 27.10.2020 Telephone conversation between Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus O.Kravchenko and State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway 20 August 2020 21.08.2020 Lukashenko took power after Belarus declared independence from the Soviet Union and has been president since 1994. 2020-08-18 · Belarus’ ambassador to Slovakia, Igor Leshchenya, became the first government official to challenge Lukashenko on Saturday when he posted a video supporting the protests before handing in his 2020-08-16 · Belarusian Ambassador to Slovakia Igor Leshchenya has expressed his support for protesters in an undated video published Saturday by Belarusian Nasha Niva media.

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Belarusian president acknowledged that certain tensions in his relationship with Belarussian president Alexander Lukashenko Nikolai Petrov/BelTA/TASS.

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(Photo by TASR) Bratislava, May 29 (TASR) – Slovakia’s Foreign and European Affairs Ministry on Friday summoned Belarus’ Ambassador Igor Leshchenya in order to submit a protest against Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko’s statements, in which he allegedly misinterpreted the way Slovak ambassador to Belarus Jozef Migas finished his 2020-08-18 · There have been nine days of protests in Belarus. The Belarusian ambassador to Slovakia has resigned just days after expressing support for those protesting against president Alexander Lukashenko. 2020-08-18 · MINSK, Belarus (AP) -- The Belarusian ambassador to Slovakia, who supported protesters rallying against his country's authoritarian president, said Tuesday he has handed in his resignation, a move #Belarus' ambassador to Slovakia, Igor Leshchenya, says he has resigned. This comes two days after the diplomat recorded a video message in which he supported the protests that erupted in the country TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Belarusian Ambassador to Slovakia Igor Leschenya has tendered his resignation after supporting the protesters in his country. Belarus ian ambassador resigns after supporting protesters. The Belarus ian ambassador to Slovakia, who supported protesters rallying against his country's authoritarian president, said Tuesday he has handed in his resignation, a move indicating growing dissent at a high level of government.